Quantum Physics and Hindu Concept of God.

Hindu concept of omnipresent GOD(or Divine Consciousness or paraBramha or Atma) is perfectly in-line to the science rather than the any of separate jealous-tyrant, sky-daddy interpretation. Science does not makes you athiest, in-fact science re-confirms and attempts to analyze the philosophy analytically and logically.

Quantum physics is a science which tells us how everything in the world comes into existence. You are the creator of your entire physical world. You think that you are victim of circumstances, but the fact is – you are the source of those circumstances.

Quantum physics tells us how we are all one and eliminates the illusion that we are separate beings. It gives you a glimpse how spirit, mind and matter interact and connect and how creation actually happens. It shows us how we are co creators with GOD(or energy).

Quantum physics is the study of building blocks of the universe. Our bodies are made up of cells which are made up of molecules made up of atoms which are in turn made up of sub-atomic particles such as electrons. Quantum physics has proven the everything in the universe is made up of sub-atomic particles. Bodies, cars, plants, animals, thoughts, speech, everything in the world is made up of sub-atomic particles. Only difference is how they are all arranged in building blocks. Sub atomic particles are not physical particles like grain of sands. They are just probabilities of existences. The sub atomic particles are energy packets that are some-times called quanta. Everything in the universe is made up of energy.

If you reduce your entire body into its pure essence, you will come to know that you are just a one big chunk of energy and so is everything else. Spirit and mind shape this energy into the physical form called body.

Our thoughts carry energy which carry a profound impact on the surrounding minds. When we come in contact to the Aura of any sage/scientist we start having such impact.

Energy has a capability to materialize itself into matter if concentrated and directed properly(E=mc2). Efficient sages had been able to manifest their thoughts into matter at their wills. The effect – whatever they want – manifests itslef into material world.  Same is true for ordinary people if they channel their energies properly and with dedication (practice and experience  or sankhya and yoga).

It is interesting to know why East-Asian Sages like Baba Ramdev/Sikh Teachers/Buddhist Teachers accumulate their hair and tie them strong to their heads. It might be of interest to understand the fact that before beginning Diksha, Hindus/Buddhists/Mongols shave off their head. This is considered to be a psychological re-birth. A tuft of hair left at the back of head, known as a “Shikha” is supposed to denote the place(or Chakra) where, for a pious person, the soul leaves the body at the time of death. Some of the details in the above mentioned rituals may vary slightly according to the Hindu Smriti or Sutra text (Ashvalayana, Bodhayana, Gautama etc.) which the family might be specifically following in these matters. . When you’ve messed up your mind with polluted thoughts, it gives a fresh start. Hair carry an impact of your accumulated thoughts. At some places, Bodies of Nitya-Mukta(enlightened) sages is not cremated like Nitya-Badha jivas but buried as the place has impact of his positive energies


There are various cells in our body. Each takes birth, spends its small life, and dies its natural death. One cell replaced by other. Our body in itself is a combination of small lives, each independent of the other. But all these when put together make an organization which again is working according to the law. It takes birth, spends life, dies.

Now why I said this is because in the same way, humans born in prakriti – Each takes birth with a body, spends his small life, performs his natural functions & dies his natural death. This whole organization has an order which is so complex and redundant for us to understand that we may choose to ignore it. And take birth, spend life, and die our natural death.

Now lets talk about our body. If some cells start damaging the others, the body has immunity built in to defend them. But there are some parasites, which stick to the healthy cells, suck their blood without letting them even a single drop of idea that these viruses are turning them into small zombies- parasites for the entire body.

Gurus/Teachers like regular human beings also take birth spend their lives, perform their duties and return. But they must not renounce their duty for which they are born for. To arrange defense for sick cells. Save the ones who are saved. And conquer Tamas through Rajas & conquer Rajas through Sattwa.


‎”The general notions about human understanding… which are illustrated by discoveries in atomic physics are not in the nature of things wholly unfamiliar, wholly unheard of or new. Even in our own culture they have a history, and in Buddhist and Hindu thought a more considerable and central place. What we shall find [in modern physics] is an exemplification, an encouragement, and a refinement of old wisdom.” – Julius Robert Oppenheimer

1 Comment »

  1. Ohm said

    Further, since all individualized finite consciousness is only a subset of the Infinite Ocean of Consciousness which has become all waves of matter……

    1. Psychology – any valid explanation of the basic nature and behavior of mind and consciousness
    2. Physics, for all particles are simply waves of certain rates of vibration of the Ocean of Consciousness;
    3. Philosophy, since freedom of choice, the fundamental question of philosophy, is a function of consciousness.

    This cannot be avoided, nor should it be: once we acknowledge that consciousness is the basic stuff that has become all mind and matter……we cannot inexorably compartmentalize psychology, phi-
    losophy and physics as separate from one another.

    When the wave rises, it is the water; and when it falls, it is the same water again. Tell me, Sir, where is the distinction?
    Because it has been named as wave, shall it no longer be considered as water? – Kabir

    -Practice of meditation is a means toward the attainment of expanded states of consciousness.
    -only difference between matter, energy and dualistic con-sciousness is in their respective rates of vibration.

    WE ARE INDIVIDUALIZED WAVES of consciousness on the Infinite Ocean of Spirit; so say the sages. But, although the Ocean has become the wave, and the wave, when it dissolves the illusion of ego-separation and limitation, realizes that it has always been one with the Infinite Ocean, the form-bound wave itself is not the Ocean. Nor is the Ocean merely the sum of its waves—the Ocean can exist without the waves, but the waves cannot exist without the Ocean.

    Click to access The_Science_of_the_Soul.pdf

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