What is Sex – Physically & Psychologically(spiritually)? Western vs Eastern View

East:-  Today’s hot topic – What is sex exactly in physical and spiritual terms? East and west, please answer.

West:-  sex is a primodial urge to dominate over others and also to create offsprings.

East:-  That’s your answer. I in the east consider there is something beyond the physical rubbing of genitals and bodies to sex. I study everything to understand and channelize towards righteousness all form of energy inherent in this chunk… of matter – which I call my body. I used to worship men and women equally and their was no taboo or bias as such.

You invaded us and perverted our philosophy entirely. You have separate laws for your men and women and wanted to impose on us here. Your sky daddies told you that we in the east are filthy creatures coz your sky daddy is scared to talk about sex. But he offers you plenty of sex in his heaven. Let me analyze this.

Indo-Western:- yes agreed its also a coming toghter of 2 souls in a divine intercoursebut that applies only to sex in pure love.

East:- Oh. So there are multiple views of sex? One from western goggles and another from eastern glasses.You’re wearing them both.

East:-  I want to talk about sex today

West:-: *:-o      :&

East:- Alarmed and tongue tied. 🙂 What is sex anyways? What makes you alarmed/scared/embarrassed to talk about sex? Is there something really bad/filthy about sex?

West:- Well scared becaus…e scientifically- men are more aggressive and at times offensive in terms of sex. Men rape women, have you ever heard a woman rape a man? Even science proves that male sexual hormone makes them offensive/aggressive while female sexual hormone is responsible for stamina. Religion emphasises the same by saying – of the things which attract men the most – woman is first. Embarrassed because it is an awkward topic to discuss. Religious/Philosophic discussions and even biology teachers try to avoid discussing sex. Religion & ethics say that sex should be performed in privacy. There are strict rules for marriage. All religions including Hinduism consider sex as an off topic.


Well, the hormonal changes you defined are the physical/anatomical aspects of whatever is occurring at the psychological level. As I said before that we generally do not like to run away from questions and try to put a scientific practice to channelize all our energies towards yoga(or union) – including sex. We even had tantrik schools where sex was understood to the its basics on the psychological level and the energy channelized to proper direction.

As far as strict rules of marriage are concerned, with advent of male chauvinist mentality of invaders from Saudi Arabia who were religiously justified to rape captured women and had “amazing” views about womankind, there appeared separate codes of conduct for men and women. We never had separate codes for men & women other than the fact that we aren’t allowed to marry 4bloods from father, 3bloods from mother and in the same gotra(family tree of same rishi to which we belong) coz we don’t want genetically deformed/mentally retarded offspring. We used to worship men and women the same and many of our goddesses are warriors like our male gods.King Dashrath, father of Shri Rama had three wives. Devi Draupadi had five husbands. However, ethics play a role when you should be dedicated to your husband/wife with entire of your being. After marriage, your stars are tied together so your fate moves together. The proper ritual of marriage will take a complete day if all the vedic mantras are recited and oaths taken properly.

For us in the east, marriage is a divine union of two mutually implicit energies. To the west there is no divine element but rather a filthy/embarrassing/sinful/scary view towards sex. The electrical energy(kundalini mahashakti) which circulates through our body through two nadis(Yin/Yang of chinese, Ida/Pingala Nadi of Indians the cool/fiery ones). This electricity is more concentrated in the brain, heart and genitals (Mooladhar Chakra). In Vedic parlance these 3 fires are called Ahitagni, Dakshinagni and Gahrpatyagni. This is also Mahakali, Mahachandi and Mahadurga (the 3 Goddesses). Due to the closeness of two individuals the ordinary energy of long vital force influences the small vital force. Due to the holy or vile association the influence is good or bad. The union of a male and a female is the divine sport of this energy. A man of penance performs austerities on this very Yoga fire. The fire of the stomach (Jatharagni) digests food and takes it to the stage of semen formation. Men and women agitated by the fire of sexual passion (Kaamagni) burn themselves like a moth in a flame. One of our scientific school of yoga Patanjali mahayoga emphasizes strongly over celibacy and prescribes preservation of sexual energy for spiritual achievements.

The exercises include purification of three Karma – Deeds,Thought,Speech. The strongest effect on the body is that of sexual desire because it originates from earth element which has strongest effect. Next comes water-thirst, fire-hunger, air-fragrance, vacuum-thoughts. Subtler the element- more difficult to control. Hence, biggest duty/yagna for the purification of body is therefore Sexual Purity.

The problem is – obliterating our eastern method of understanding and properly channelizing the energies, west imposed their habit of prejudice towards sex and running away from answers.From since the time of Shri Rama/Shri Krishna we used to have Gurukuls where we learnt how to direct towards righteousness(dharma) the energy which we carry with us in this chunk of matter which we call our body. This knowledge gives you immense power – far miraculous than the little yoga-asana techniques which you try to learn these days. You destroyed our gurukuls and introduced “adult education” to our studies. This semi-sharia country has lost the touch to its science which you’ve stolen. Get back the soul of this country – its culture. And it will rise back like a phoenix from the ashes.

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