What every Hindu must know – 1

What every Hindu must know – 1 (Please forward)

(We burnt in the past, let’s forget it. But we stand tall for our future.)

– 1000 years of colonizations and exploitations. We no longer bother to study the glorious culture which has contributed immense knowledge in number system (Zero was invented by Aryabhata), medicine (Ayurveda is oldest school medicine known to humans), astronomy (Bhaskaracharya calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit the sun (5th century) 365.258756484 days hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart. ), astrology, surgery (Sushruta been the father of surgery. 2600 years ago),arts(Natyashastra) and many more….

India had been richest country on earth until the time of British in the early 17th century. At the time when the rest of the world was living the life of “Snatch and Steal” culture, ships sailed from India’s sunny shores laden with silk, muslins, gold, jewels and spices. In 327 B.C. Alexander started in pursuit of this “Unknown land of Gold, Peacocks, Silk and Spices” . Later yet, Christopher Columbus was attracted by her wealth.  India had been golden destination for all parasite cultures for centuries – they come and never wanted to leave. Defenseless buddhist and indolent Hindu kingdoms Iran,Afghanistan,Parts of India, Shri Lanka up to Indonesia, Malaysia etc were conquered first by Islam. Few of strong hindu kingdoms still remained. But with coming of treacherous  British who entered India as peaceful traders and later all of India and Buddhist/Hindu countries up to India,Sri Lanka, Thailand , Malaysia etc were colonized. British were very adamant about their racial supremacy and applied every treacherous method to humiliate Indians out of their culture, destroyed Vedic Education, Modified their histories to introduce fake theories like Aryan Invasion claiming inability of Hindus to carry administration to humiliate them and stole the credit of their knowledge.

– Hindu is not a name of any religion.  The original name is Sanatan Dharma and its practictioners are called Dharmis.  Term hindu was coined by Islamic invaders to refer to the  People living beyond river indus.  Muslims called the residents of India Hindu and later the British strategically created new Histories for academics replacing old academia & anarchy highlighting various classifications  into Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs, Jains and so on and introduced several more classifications with introduction of census of “castes” in 1891 along with fake Aryan Invasion theory to further divide India. This is called sub-version principle. This weakened the followers of Dharma & stifled all creativity. Unlike against Islamic oppression – Indians were never united again to fight the oppressive British rule until 1947.  Ancient India had been rich in trade with rest of the world including Africa (that is why India had been extremely rich in Gold and Diamonds which were nowhere produced in India),  people did migrate to Indian continent. 

Purpose of life for all the sects of Sanatan Dharma(Vedism, Sikhism, buddhism,Jainism….)  is Enlightenment, wisdom and self knowledge. The most important feature of Sanatana Dharma is the freedom of spirit and there is no force to convert. Purpose of life for Islam is conquest, sex and heavens.

– Only few people of Islam who were able to come into contact with the Sanatan Dharma like Sufis were able to be saved to the correct path to lord Almighty.  Only peaceful king in the history of malechcha dharma(Islam) was Akbar who came to contact with Sanatan Dharma through his wife perhaps. Although was fanatic enough to destroy many Hindu temples and notorious for demanding Daughters of Hindu Kings to humiliate the conquered kafirs. He kept a harem of 5000 women most of them abducted Hindu housewives. Towards latter part of his rule tried to bring Hindus under the umbrella of Islam through a new religion Deen-e-IIlahi but none of his sons adopted it.  The fundamentalist mullahs reverted back to their triumphant ideology Islam.  (Read:- http://www.faithfreedom.org/2009/06/15/distortion-of-indian-history-for-muslim-appeasement-part-5a/)

– Now a days some sikh consider themselves different, and we honor this. But Sikh gurus were Gurus of Sanatan Dharma.  When the hostility between hindus and muslims was at peak, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji tried to end the hostility and forceful conversion of Hindu Brahmins by fundamentalist mullahas. Growing acceptance of the sect alarmed the mullahs and the Fifth Master, Arjun Dev, was put to death on instructions of the Mughal court. This resulted in the sect taking up arms to protect itself. The constant friction between Delhi court and the new community lead to the Tenth Master, Gobind Rai, converting the members to a warrior class and calling them ‘Khalsas’ the ‘ pure ones’-those who are pure in the heart and pure in their actions. In fact Jesus never said he’s a christian, Buddha never said he’s a Buddhist. Only Mohammad(pbuh) started religious wars to satisfy his political ambition of world conquest through Islam. Before that wars were fought between brave men in open lands & fields, he started fighting wars inside homes, raping and torturing enemy’s women & children to make them surrender. Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji realized that only solution to them is to fight a religious war, of righteousness against this treachery, tyranny and deciet.

– Before british destroyed them all and subverted the educational and political system of India, historians of the century clearly mentioned that each and every village in India had Gurukuls (Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas were taught), and madarsas. William Adam in his observations found that there existed about 1,00,000 village schools in Bengal and Bihar around the 1830s. Men like Thomas Munro, had observed that ‘every village had a school’. Observations made by Dr. G.W.Leitner in 1882 show that the spread of education in the Punjab around 1850 was of a similar extent. At about the same time, England had very few schools for the children of ordinary people till about 1800, and many of the older grammar school were in poor shape.

–  All the Gurukuls in India had been destroyed and study of our own culture is considered taboo in our own country. India has separate madarsas for Islamic teachings and the muslim community considers itself completely separate.  They snatch all the rights in secular countries, but in their own countries muslims just forfeit all the rights of infidels.  They drive convert/drive away/k1ll the non-muslims.  They live peacefully and snatch all the rights in secular environment in our countries – but once there is Islam, it can never be a secular state. (kashmir/Pakistan/Middle-east, you can just see the condition of non-muslims in these countries)

-Hinduism believes in Omnipresence of God. In “Hinduism” Brahman(or Parbramha or divine consciousness) is the supreme being responsible for evolution and dissolution of universe through its 3 energies of creation(bhrama), maintainer of life(vishnu), and destroyer(shiva). His Avatars are considered as envoys who appear from time to time to set and example and restore Dharma (the right path or rectitude) on earth. It is believed that all living beings are alive due to Atma(soul or individual consciousness) which carries essence of God.

-Idol worship is only preliminary part of Sanatan Dharma. Idol is not a god. Each Idol  is a mere “Icon” or symbol to represent some form of interpretation of God. There are three levels of spiritual quest:-
a) Deities (of which people make Idols) and rituals for purification and material achievement.
b) Path to heavens.  They worship the emotional representations of God (like Allah or Shiva or Vishnu)
c) Path to Lord Almighty or Truth Ultimate (which is beyond ability of thoughts to conceive, beyond ability of speech to argue. It is a pure experience.).  Sages point towards it. I can only be experienced. Cannot be seen. The “Alakh Niranjan” (Unseen, omnipresent).

– If there are only four varnas in Vedas then how come all these sharma, verma came in?   The interest in caste peaked around 1891 when the census came out with what were termed as Index of Castes as British wanted to see India through their racist glasses. The word ‘caste’ is of Spanish origin (properly translated as “community”) and failed to capture the meaning of the Indian term “Jati”(Communities which vaguely tried to differentiate the different groups – Sikh,Buddhist,Jains etc….)” At that time there was not prominence of the name called “Hindu”, but there was competition between the various sects of Sanatan Dharma (Shaivites, Vaishnavites, Patanjali Yogis, Vedantists to prove that their school of thought is the best). While recruitment into army or in public services Indians were identified and compensated according to these “castes”. Thus status based bias came in.

But even the word “Jati” has no far & distant relation to the word ‘caste’ which was coined by the British. Jaati means a classification based on source of origin. Nyaya Sutra states “Samaanaprasavaatmika Jaatih” or those having similar birth source form a Jaati. An initial broad classification made by Rishis is 4-fold: Udbhija (coming out of ground like plants), Andaja (coming out of eggs like birds and reptiles), Pindaja (mammals) and Ushmaj (reproducing due to temperature and ambient conditions like virus, bacteria etc).. But even here again, the Jati is different from ‘caste’ which was coined by the British. 

– There is no caste system in Sanatan Dharma. A single family can have all four Varnas. Your Karma(thoughts, speech, actions) decides your Varna. janmana jayate sudrah,samskarad bhaved dvijah, veda-pathad bhaved vipro,brahma janatiti brahmanah” -(By birth one is a sudra, by the purificatory process one becomes a dvija, by study of the Vedas one becomes a vipra, and one who knows Brahman is a brahmana.) All our previous sages (Sh. Mahavir/Gautam Buddha/Sh. Guru Nanak Dev Ji) are completely oblivious to this kind of bias introduced later by british, and had been widely accepted by all the hindu masses.

-Even if you claim it(SC/ST/OBC/General Class etc) to be birth based classification according to our scriptures(which is of far latter descent), still – even according to horroscope in vedic astrology varnas (Cancer,Scorpio,Pisces- Teachers/Brahmins || Aries,Leo,Sagittarius- soldiers/Kshatriyas|| Taurus,Virgo,Capricorn – Traders/Vaishyas || Gemini,Libra – Employees/Shudras). Purpose of this classification is to identify your strengths and improve on your spiritual journey.  A human can raise his consciousness and improve.  Both Valmiki and Vyasa, who wrote the Ramayana and Mahabharatha, belonged to the lower castes. Veda Vyasa who put order to our Vedas was a sudra. The sage Vasishtha was a shudra and he became sage later in life. One of the hymns from the Rg Veda states that one’s caste is not determined by that of one’s family or birth. “I am a sage, my father is a physician, my mother’s job is to grind the corn.” -Rg Veda 9.112.3 (see: http://agniveer.com/caste-vedas/)

– “Sati Pratha” is nowhere mentioned in Hindu scriptures. Not a hint of it. ‘Sati’ is an ancient Sanskrit term, meaning a chaste woman who thinks of no other man than her own husband. When Raja Dashrath dies, none of his wives commit suicide. The famous examples are Sati Anusuiya, Savitri, Ahilya etc. None of them committed suicide, let alone being forcible burned. So how is that that they are called Sati? The term ‘Sati’ was never accompanied by ‘Pratha’.  So ‘Sati Pratha’(in its modern avatar of forcible widow burning) is not a fault of Hinduism but a crime of Islam.  The origin of “Sati Pratha” comes from Mediveal India mainly in Rajasthan Rajput families when they were fighting constant Islamic Invasions. These invaders did not follow the moral ethical code for the civil populace and raped their women and butchered their children. The brave Hindu Rajput women chose death (Jauhar) out of pure fear of Molestation and Rapes committed by Muslims after victory. They built big cauldron like pots, lit then with fire and jumped into them, to die voluntarily and happily in order to save their honour and chastity.

Population of india is constantly increasing. But population of Hindu, sikh ,jains etc. is constantly decreasing.(check the statistics) . How? Islam is breeding like cattle recklessly(at a growth rate of 39% all they think through their life is sex and conquest. Muslims are supposed to become 51% majority by 2051 and then there will be sharia all over and there would be no return).  We request hindu,sikh,jain brothers who are capable, please keep at least 3 children. We need to grow to maintain our identity for the safety and future of our generations, plz  understand.

– In a country where majority is Hindu, the majority of criminals are muslims. This is same for each country. Compare this to the percentage of muslim population in the country and the results will be shocking. 65% of criminals in India are muslims compared to their 13.5% population. This is due to narrow-minded, separatist Islamic breeding.


When Islam invaded India, Hinduism, Buddhism had no resistance to offer to their fire and steel. The rosary could not be a match for the sword and the terms Love and Peace had no meaning to them. They carried fire and sword wherever they went and obliterated all that came their way. Islam triumphantly marched into the country, conquering Debal, Sehwan, Nerun, Brahmanadabad, Alor, Multan and so on one after the other in quick succession, and in less than a year and a half, the far-flung Hindu kingdom was crushed, the great civilization fell back and Sind entered the darkest period of its history. There was a fearful outbreak of religious bigotry in several places and temples were wantonly desecrated. At all the places temples were demolished and converted into mosques.[Resistors] were put to death and women made captives. The Jizya was exacted with special care.[Hindus] were required to feed Muslim travellers for three days and three nights.

Among the very first provinces to bear the brunt of Islamic sword were Sindh, Punjab and Rajputana. Sindh being Buddhist in majority and Punjab also having a considerable population of Buddhists, succumbed soon to the unprecedented barbarous Islamic invasions. But Rajputana being completely Hindu held out for centuries. Even now there are only 9% Muslims in Rajasthan. But this resistance cost them a great deal. They had never faced such barbarous invaders and looters. All of the wars which they fought until then, were fought with a moral ethical code. Being synonymous with the Hindu philosophy, wars were fought only between warriors and concerned only them. Civil populace was never even touched, let alone molested.

But the new Islamic enemy they were now facing was an unprecedented evil force, which did not rely on valour for victory, but instead on treachery, deceit, malice, crookedness and all other evil means. Those Islamic armies instead of fighting chivalrously with their opponents, chose to decimate the civilian populace, by laying siege to the country side, thus decimating the social, cultural and economic fabric of the nations. They massacred and butchered complete populations of Hindus, broke their idols, desecrated their temples, butchered the Brahmins, converted them forcibly to Islam (by making them eat beef!) destroyed their corps, poisoned their wells, burned their houses, abducted their children and raped their women. They took their inspiration from Quran. Ayats 2:193, 8:39, orders them to break idols. Ayats 8:12, 22: 19-22 exhorts them to massacre the religious leaders of the other religion. Ayats 33:59 and 4:24 encourages them to commit sexual transgressions without compunction with the non-Muslim women.







  1. Missionary Propaganda to abuse Hinduism:
    Now, Normal escape route for Hindu Bashers – 1. Blame it on Caste System/ 2. Blame it on Brahmins. Langotibaaj brahmins had never been powerful as propaganda was created by British. Re-conversion to Hinduism was undertaken By Adi Shankaracharya. which did not take place due to harassment, torture slavery rape,etc the patented trade marks of Muslim conversion. Shankaracharya traveled length and breadth of the country and had 1000’s of religious debates with Buddhists monks —–on the condition that the loser would have to accept the the winners faith. Gautam Buddha never claimed a new religion, he was just a teacher and extended Vedic Knowledge. After the British classification, his followers made Buddhism a separate religion (discussed later)….

    Lets Talk about Varnas, Jati, and the latest Invention of British (Castes):
    Four Varnas had always been there, but was the condition so bad? Normal escape route for hindu bashers is blame it on Brahminism. But brahmins had never been so strong.

    If brahmins were so much influential, it would never had been a case that education system was far strong up till intrusion of british into the culture.A noted Gandhian, Dharampal visited British & Indian archives and reproduced reports of Surveys undertaken by the British in Bengal, Punjab and Madras Presidency (1800-1830). According to Collectors reports reviewed by Governor Sir Thomas Munro on 10/3/1826, of the 30,211 male school students in Madras Presidency 20% were Brahmins and Chettris, 9% were Vaishyas,50% were Sudras, 6% were Muslims and others were 15%. Madras Presidency then consisted of areas that fall in modern day Tamil Nadu, A.P, Orissa, Kerala and Karnataka. Another report by J Dent, Secretary, Fort Geroge dated 21/2/1825 stated that out of 1,88,680 scholars in all collectorates of Madras Presidency Brahmins were 23% while Sudras constituted 45%.

    Startling as it may sound, these percentages establish that Sudras not Brahmins comprised the majority of students and scholars. How & Why do the Backward Classes find themselves in the situation they are today?

    The missionaries an the British administrators, who studied our past, had some interest in distorting our history. Missionaries were bent upon exploiting the shortcomings that had crept in our religious practices due to lack of adequate guidance and also due to factors like foreign invasions, wars and alien tyrranical rule, coupled with conversions. The British administrators, in order to justify their presence in India wanted to show that Indians were not fit for self-rule.

    News about so many vices in Hinduism started surfacing only with the advent of Christian Missionaries in India. They with their mission of converting the wretched idolaters, i.e., Hindus to Christianity started slandering Hinduism. For they quickly perceived that Hindus were an unyielding, staunch lot. They would not yield to the treacherous methods of Christian Missionaries. So they devised a new way for accomplishing their Harvest. They decided to slander Hinduism in front of Hindus, so as to shake their belief in it, and also in front of global community so as to justify their demonic agendas of Conversion. And for that they had a new tool in their hands to which Hindus had no access. This tool was the combined institution of Modern British Education System and the newly born media, i.e., the propaganda machine. (How they developed these mediums in India is another topic, related to Macaulay and many others and too long to be discussed here).

  2. Conquest of weakened Hindu/Buddhist countries by Islam:
    Hindu had been cultivated as sheep while muslim had always been tiger. Hindu went “Coward” and “Indolent” which led to his demise against ever offensive Islam. Muslim is cultivated as “Aggressive” and “Ready for Conquest”.

    Islam started its conquest campaign in 7th century with first victims were Jews then Christians. But Christians and Jews were numerous in number and they had the strength to defend themselves.

    By the time Islam started towards Hindu/Buddhist countries India has already been weakened in terms of retaliation as almost all of the east (specifically north India, up to Afghanistan, China then Malaysia, Indonesia) were all under influence of Buddhism.

    A quote from my friend Sajan Gurukal:-
    “A Tiger will defenetely attack a sheep. Sheep will defenetely surender for a Tiger. They are from two different Clans. BUT WHO PUT THE MAGIC OF MAKING TIGERS ATTACK TIGERS….AND SHEEPS ADVISING SHEEPS TO BE A SACRIFICIAL ANIMAL…Buddha made it.”

    This is the kind of su1cide the pseudo-secularists suggesting Hindus in our country.

    How Islam conquered Malaysia by cheating the Hindu King by offering muslim girl for mutah(temporary) marriage is a different story. Islam is 65% of malaysia by regular Islamic breeding like cattle and now they’re seeing the rise of sharia. Hindu temples are demolished on false grounds. Buddhists supposed to loose soon.

    Lets talk about India:
    Gautam Buddha never claimed a new religion, he was just a teacher and extended Vedic Knowledge. After the British classification, his followers made Buddhism a separate religion. Buddhism extended to almost whole of north India and the country was full of sages and buddhist monks.

    You can ask Dalai Lama himself and he would tell you the truth that all the incarnations of Dalai Lama are nothing but re-incarnations of same energy what we call “Shiva” himself. Buddhism extended to whole of North India up to Iran/Iraq and beyond. But it weakened the retaliation and ultimately all Hindu/Buddhist countries succumbed to Islam.

    Buddhism was religion of majority till the Mauryans, Last Emperor of Mauryan Brihdrath Maurya was killed by Brahman senapati Pushya Mitra Sung by well planned coup. He become Emperor and With the help of his Cook Balmiki He has written…. Manu sanghita… He has devided humanity in four vena… Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Sudra… Those who have not accepted it become untouchables.( Dr B R Ambedker ) {remember – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar is Macaulay educated Intellectual who worked for British Missionaries. Here we are talking about four Varnas (which are based on your attitude). – The Index of CASTES(caste is a spanish term meaning community) was brought by British in 1891 to demolish hindu unity by dividing them. More on this later.}

    But Buddhism have not weeped off completely , Till the last of 12th century, Till the Sen Brahman Kingdom of West Bengal. All the kingdom before that were very liberal to Buddhist and their monestory. Re-conversion to Hinduism was undertaken By Adi Shankaracharya. The reconversion to Hinduism is unparalleled in entire history of the world. The conversion did not take place due to harassment, torture slavery rape,etc the patented trade marks of Muslim conversion. Shankaracharya traveled length and breadth of the country and had 1000’s of religious
    debates with Buddhists monks —–on the condition that the loser would have to accept the the winners faith. No Hindu King/ruler ever destroyed Buddhist monasteries/statues. In fact they are intact even today……..

    In 1193, the Nalanda University was sacked by an Islamic fanatic Bakhtiyar Khilji, a Turk; this event is seen by scholars as a late milestone in the decline of Buddhism in India. Khilji is said to have asked if there was a copy of the Koran at Nalanda before he sacked it. The Persian historian Minhaj-i-Siraj, in his chronicle the Tabaquat-I-Nasiri, reported that thousands of monks were burned alive and thousands beheaded as Khilji tried his best to uproot Buddhism and plant Islam by the sword; the burning of the library continued for several months and “smoke from the burning manuscripts hung for days like a dark pall over the low hills.”

  3. Rajeev Balakrishnan said

    HUM A Peaceful Hindu Unity Movement

    One Vision I
    I Unity in Diversity & Diversity In Unity
    One Path I

    Our Mission:
    – Create Unity among Hindus and forget the caste system
    – To uphold the Culture and Values of Hinduism
    – To Impart Hindu Education
    – Create Identity for our People
    – Create Money Pool to help Hindus and Hindu Families
    – Provide Support to our Families so that we don’t lose our people to others
    – Create job pool for the welfare of Hindu Families
    – Conduct Training and Vocational courses for Helping our People
    – Conduct Investigation to find out why we are losing people to other religion
    – Providing Confidence for our people.
    – Organizing the Hindu Religion and bringing back the best in our Culture and scriptures to use it for the new and next generation to come .
    – Creating Help Centers like Counseling Centers, Shelters, Orphanages, Old Age Homes , Rehabilitation Centers etc.
    – Start Educational Institutions.
    – Remove the taboo created by other religions and downgrading our Systems, Swamis, Rituals and Institutions
    – Facilitate Conversion and Reconversion to Hinduism.
    – Build Up Confidence and self Reliance for our people so that we don’t need to look at other religion for support.
    – Create Trade / Business Pools and Networks for the support of our people and their businesses.
    – Create Business / Trading Outlets all over India and abroad for the common Good.
    – Work with other Hindu Organizations and take & give support from/to them.
    – Work for the betterment of Mankind and Environment.
    – Respect Nature and Environment.
    – Environment Friendly Real Estate Development for our people.
    – Providing Community Leadership.
    Code Of Conduct
    – Peaceful Missionary Movement with no support to any Terrorist activities
    – Creating Support Network with Other Hindu Organizations
    – Creating Codes of conduct at all levels
    – Standardizing the Processes and Procedures
    – Cleanse our existing systems and unwanted things in view of the new generation
    – Respecting
    o Women
    o Environment
    o People of all caste and creed
    Defending Positions
    – Attacks from other Religions.
    – Create Processes , Procedures and code of conduct so that any flaws in the system Created during the process has to be adjusted in view of the common goals and objectives.
    – Any inside Terrorist activities to be Seen and Taken care before itself.
    – Flaws like Money Squandering, Womanizing etc should be taken care before itself.

    Kindly Contact me Rajeev Balakrishnan at 98440 19891 or E mail rajeevbalakrishnan@yahoo.com if you feel this is a workable solution and if you can contribute in any way.

  4. India never invaded pakistan. Of course india fought back and defeated the pakistan always. Then the pakistan started pseudo war tactics of bomb blasts.

    Have you ever wondered why, where ever the muslims are residing there is unrest, there is violence, there are wars. Be it russia, china, afganistan, iraq, iran, pakistan, middle east. Why.

    Why there is not a single secular country in the world where muslims are in majority, why.

    Why muslims hate other religion and their followers? Why the pakistan driven out most of the hindus after partition. Why the muslims driven out forcefully all the hindus residing in kashmir, why.

    Where ever the muslims are in minority they asks for every right and where ever they become majority they forfeit the rights of followers of other religion.
    This has happened in pakistan, still happening there. This is happening in malaysia and this is happening in kashmir.

    Godhara which was famous after gujrat riots, what happened there? Muslims burnt alive hindu pilgrims in the train. (including 28 women and children)

    Since 1990 more than 10,000 Kashmiri Hindus have been brutally murdered by Islamic fundamentalists. 3,000,000 Bangladeshi Hindus Killed during the Pakistan-Bangladesh war in 1971.

    In india in 1946 7000 hindus were slaughtered in west bengal with planning after friday namaj .

    No religion except muslim teach their children the lesson of violence right from the childhood. Killing a fellow animal created by the lord, slowly, tadpa tadpa kar.

    There is something wrong with the teachings or the followers of islam didn’t understood the teachings.

    Believe me, i lived in bhopal having so many muslim friends and bhopal is 40% muslim. These people encroach roads, park and build and extend houses without purchasing the land. If anybody tries to objects after the friday namaz the lot comes to frighten the surroundings.

    At cross roads you could easily visualize the red light jumper are muslim. The majority of criminals in india are mulsims.

    Right not every muslim is a terrorist. But why every terrorist is a muslim, why.

    Think a lot. I know by thinking you could not do anything. You could not change the psychology of a mob religion.

    We hate muslims because every other day they give us pain. We are the culture of celebrations and they are the culture of killing.

  5. Lord Macaulay’s address to the British Parliament, 2 feb’1835.

    I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such calibre, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage. And,therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture. for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem, their native culture, and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation.

  6. H.S.Deo said

    Our faith is the true faith. Its central point is the immortality of the soul and the goal of the soul to merge with Parmatma or God. This is true for everybody no matter what religion one follows.

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